Saturday, December 10, 2011

Yes, there's more.

*looonnnngggg sigh*

Yep. There's more to this story and I'm afraid to say that I don't know when it will end, but that is a very true statement. I DON'T know. [bummer] Because I like to know...certain things anyway. When I don't, I feel lost, confused, and misguided. But when you follow God, you're none of those things. Following Him is like being led, thinking that you're blind, by a person who knows the house you're walking through because not only do they have the plans in their hand, they drew the plans up. A win-win situation one would say. And I would agree. Yet, I would be lying if I said it was easy, that I didn't want to give up, that I didn't want to do what I know is "safe". Well, to make this jump right in, the enemy [the devil] has been REALLY attacking us in our relationship. Now, my husband and I are VERY committed to each other. We're not people who believe divorce is an option (nor do we believe that swinging or having an open marriage is either) and so because of that, we like to try and stay on top of having a fun relationship with lots of communication and intimacy.

Well. We are definitely aware that the enemy doesn't want us to have a successful marriage. So we have been attacked on all fronts. Our children have become the centerpiece of this attack because we have 3 of them...(more on that later) and most of the time they are shunned because of the number of them. It may seem petty but it is the size of it all. I will never understand it but I can only hope and PRAY that I am not like this when my children have children. That's the biggest thing because there are two sides to that. I don't want my children to grow up thinking they aren't good enough or they are too many in number to be kept by family. We also need that time alone. I am always with the kids because we homeschool. Not a pity party. It's something we've chosen and we're sticking to it. But rather than see our situation for what it is and truly HELP, family rather acts like they [the children] are the plague and that hurts.

That's been the biggest deal. But other things are just things that you would expect a child to do. Keep coming around while you are "alone" with your spouse just to get in the middle of things. On purpose. Knocking on the door, saying doors shouldn't be closed, not wanting to watch the kids even for an hour or 2 just so we can be alone to talk. On the one hand it doesn't make any sense. The other hand. We know exactly what it is about. Hard? Yes, very. Can we do anything about it? Yeah, probably. Should we? Probably not. And that's where the confusion comes in.

Oh well....I think my time is done for today. I will come again with more on our story.


Tuesday, November 29, 2011

What the..?!

Well.... what brings me here? The wind it seems... But I am a believer in the One true God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, Jesus, the Holy I know it's Him that has us where we are. Right here. In a family member's house. A self-professed "christian" who holds to the truths (read: lies) the Jehovah's witnesses teach. This makes things so much more difficult. When you have people of different faiths in close quarters. Oh but wait, I haven't told you guys how we even got here. Yay. Fun.

Let's go back to October 16, 2011.......

So, who's us? 3 small children (boys) and a husband and a wife (been married for almost 10 years ^-^) {ahem} Anywaaayy, we lived in an apartment before finding a home that we could rent for the same amount which is really cheap where we live. We had available to us a home with 3 bedrooms and 2 baths on 3 acres of land for the boys to run and play. Not to mention a separate building that had a loft apartment above and a workshop below. Perfect for us. Me homeschooling and at home with the kids and him...well, working all of the time. That will be an entry for another day to expound on his job situation. Moving along....

The house. Though a great layout and space to run outside, it needed a LOT of work. My hubby and I painted it entirely on the inside because we wanted to have different colors and honestly *it needed it*. We were slated to move out of our apartment on the 16th of October because our month to month lease was up before the end of the month. So, we're so excited and moving and getting things settled. Getting used to being in a house rather than an apartment. Hey, let's face it. When you're in an apartment it's almost like being on Facebook. You have a lot of friends (neighbors) but you don't even know them... (...strangers) and somehow that's a comfort.

Well, it was a huge adjustment and we got there finally but then things started to happen. What? Well, that will take too long to even go into. Just know it was like living in the house on the movie Funny Farm with Chevy Chase. No lie. (lol) You have to laugh sometimes right? (..right, NOW I'm laughing, haha) It was a very difficult situation to be in and for the sake of protecting all parties involved, I won't go any further. To make this already long (knowingly long) story not SO long, I'll just say this. We ended up moving before we had even been there a month.


Yeah. Not even a month later and here we go again... (see what I mean about the wind?? just a phrase though..) Well, we're moved and then we Kinda like Dorothy in the tornado in Wizard of Oz. At least she was still in her on house. Isn't that the way it happened? She was in the house when the storm came because she didn't make it to the storm cellar? Anyway, not important. We've been displaced ^^^^^^^ (like the title) just like her. And in my mind, right now, there is NO PLACE LIKE YOUR OWN HOME. Don't take me speaking my mind as a form of ungratefulness to the family member allowing us to stay with them. I needed this because I am about to EXPLODE! I have come a long way with not saying things that are on my mind to the people. Wait, let me rephrase that. God has brought me a long way because I know that it can only be by His power that I can even behave like I am. And that's real.

So. We're here. And that's not all. There's more. And I'll be back with it. But for now....stick with us on this journey...let's see where God takes us because CLEARLY we're on His train. (Proverbs 3:5-6 says it best)